Devlog 2: Level 2

Welcome to another week of Postway Pass Devlog! 

Our team have been hard at work working on level 2 so it’s ready by our set milestone of week 6. Here's some progress for this sprint for each of our team members!

Tilly spent the sprint primarily working on the combat system including adding the input for beats, creating a beat scroller and instantiating new beats. She also worked on downloading koreographer and FMOD and exploring their capabilities in how they can be utilised for the rhythm game and music synchronisation. Also working on a bit more of the UI including an animated on hover button for menu items as well as setting up the arrows for the UI and concepting ‘portrait’ ideas of Ollie for his headshot next to the health bar in combat.

Our 3D art lead Tate continued working on his model for one of Postway Pass's main characters and Ollie's old, cranky boss, Wilbur! Check out this screenshot of retopologised Wilbur! Tate also worked on adding a new idle animation for Ollie as well as polishing up our current jump animation to be a lot smoother. 

Our 2D Art lead Tahleia has also been very busy working on concepts for our Post Office portal hub and level 2 as well as our enemy spirit for the 2nd level! Check out the sketches done by Tahleia for our raven gravedigger spirit, as well as the proposed layout of the post-office! 

Our Tech Lead Daniel started working on mechanisms needed for our post office hub including the door opening system and the camera positioning! Our post office is coming along nicely and is due to be finished by our set date of week 7! Daniel has also started looking at ideas for doing the dialogue system with the hopes of implementing it fully in the upcoming next sprint!

Our Test Lead and Writing Extroardinaire Madeleine has been working this sprint on further developing some ideas for our enemy sprites and has provided 'snippets' or 'prompts' of potential stories behind each enemy in our levels. The prompt for our enemy in the 2nd level is "A headstone maker, dedicated to preserving the memory of the deceased." This theme suits perfectly with the design of level 2 being a winter-themed spooky cemetery, and so Tahleia's concepts have been heavily influenced by this prompt! Madeleine has also been working on modelling the post-office hub as well so it can be then passed onto Kirsten for stylisation.

On that note, our Design Lead Kirsten has been busy creating layouts and blocking out our 2nd level in Unity. Kirsten worked with Daniel on creating the perfect map layout while trying to create a balance of enjoyability and scale. The map is looking awesome so far and with the integrations of puzzles, our enemies and new models, level 2 will exceed expectations! Kirsten has also been working on adapting our previous assets and 'winterfying' them by adding snow to help fit our winter theme for the 2nd level! Have a look below of some of the models that Kirsten has done!


Overall, this sprint has been a busy and eventful one. With the deadline for level 2 coming up in one week as well as the post office hub after that, our team has been busy working on all the needed assets and programming systems needed to achieve that milestone! 

Thank you for joining another week of Postway Pass and see you again next Sunday!

Postway Pass's Producer, Tilly

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